Television, Radio, Social Media, Randall can handle all of your marketing project needs.


<!--To use a different icon, please refer to this site: -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
<section class="vzCodeBlock">
  <div class="vzDemoList">

<!-- Add custom CSS here to restyle your player -->
<style id="cuztomCSS">

   /* Example
   .playerBezel {
       background-color: lightblue;
   } */

    <div class="vzPlayer">
      <script vzCode="doNotModify">
        /* Enter your account ID. You can find this under the Menu item: Help | About */
        var ACCOUNT_ID = '63e3423c-b6bf-4b9b-8e1c-3f91cdc04bec';

        /* Enter the title of this page. All events will appear in your Zamtistics */
        var PAGE_NAME = 'Demos page for Randall Weaver';

        /* The value of RENDER_MODE may be either 'inline' (default) OR 'popup' */
        var RENDER_MODE = 'inline';

        /* The DEFAULT_DEMO value may be:*/
        /*   null - (default) - Display the top Demo as listed in your Showcase */
        /*   xxxx - (Demo Category ID) - Display this Demo when the player launches */
        /*           note: The Category ID is listed under the Demo's gear icon with in your Showcase */
        /*      0 - Displays the Player's Demo playlist when the player launches */
        /*           note: Demos are listed in the order defined within your Showcase */

        var DEFAULT_DEMO = null ;  /* (default); */

        /* Option to show Contacts panel in player */
        var SHOW_CONTACTS = true;

        /* When SMART_BUTTON is equal to 'true', your Demos button will be automatically hidden when presented on mobile platforms */
        var SMART_BUTTONS = true;


      <script vzCode="doNotModify" id="VoiceZam_Aorta" src="//"></script>

      <div id="VoiceZam_ContainerBlock"></div>

      <!-- Note: Optional codeline below asserting player <DIV> at 100% -->
      <!-- <div id="VoiceZam_ContainerBlock" style="width:100%;"></div> -->


